Hey, Everyone,

Welcome to Current Latitude, a father-son endeavor passionate about storytelling through photos and videos. Our hobby evolved into a project, capturing everything from national parks' majesty to small towns' charm since 2019. This venture led businesses to feature our work on their sites, enhancing their appeal.

The COVID pandemic presented challenges, but we adapted by offering photo-based products for business promotions, exploring new creative avenues. We began printing on metal to enhance image quality and diversified our offerings to include customized hats, gear, and watches. Our focus was on providing unique, accessible products without the usual complications.

This journey, filled with obstacles and triumphs, has been incredibly fulfilling. Customer feedback has spurred more opportunities, highlighting the impact of sharing our perspective. We're excited for what lies ahead with Current Latitude. Thank you for your support.

Larry Maves           Josh Maves 

Owners, Current Latitude